Pinkson Creek

This afternoon we went to Padstow and walked along the Camel Trail to Pinkson Creek ................ and then we walked back.

We walked for almost two hours but to be honest this wasn't the most exciting walk I've ever had which is why I'm yawning in this blip!

The Camel Trail is also a cycle trail and there were loads of cyclists about today. Haven't a clue where they'd all come from.

Ann spent the whole walk nagging me. It was, 'Molly come here. Molly wait. Molly move into the side. Molly do you want to get run over. Molly if you can't walk properly you'll go back on your lead. Molly get out of the way.'

And then when we got to Pinkson Creek I wanted to go wallowing but Ann said, 'Molly don't even think about it. You are NOT going into the creek. I do not want you getting dirty and smelly.'

So I devised a very clever cunning plan..........................

I knew that on our route back we would have to pass 'Little Petherick Creek'. So what I did was................... I walked perfectly and lulled Ann into a false sense of security.

Then just before we got to the creek I went racing off. First I chased some swans, then I had a good old wallow in the dirty stinky water. I could hear Ann calling me but I just pretended that I couldn't. I did a bit of swimming around, then a bit more wallowing, then I chased a few birds........................ And then, when I was feeling a bit tired I went zooming back to Ann.

She was not happy with me, especially as she popped into the Padstow Tesco's on the way home, and when she got back into the car my stinky smell almost knocked her out!!!!!!

Oh and while we're on the subject of Tesco's - Ann will never ever moan about the St Ives Tesco's again OK she might! Padstow Tesco's is even worse. What is it about Tesco's in holiday resorts????? They never seem to be able to keep their shelves stocked up. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........................

To see Porth Reservoir - Cornish P84 - Look here.

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