Colourful Sally.x

Up at 6am and out for a walk before the sun came out. Very misty here,many sticks were lost this am. Back home for breakfast and then off to school.Very busy day trying to get all the readers done, RE,displays to be completed and no Afton. Hope she is taking it easy at home and resting.x
Literacy and Maths this afternoon and then into club. Only 11 in tonight so much quieter. We made biscuits with popping candy and strawberry apples in them Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.x
Home and took Sally for a long walk as she had been shut up all day. Walked across the fields to Gresford and then realised i didn't have any money with me otherwise i could of called in the Plough for a quick half!
Back home and cut the lawns just before it went dark. Now off to eat my tea before starting on the club books.x

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