
By NickyH


Today is our 9th wedding anniversary. And I must warn you all there are soppy words coming up. Those of you of a weak disposition - I suggest you look away now...

I can honestly say I love Matt every bit as much as I did the day we got married, if not more. He's the best husband I could ever wish for (well, I wouldn't mind him being a bit tidier around the house), my best friend, and my soul mate. It's been a brilliant 9 years. Today he arranged for 9 pink gerberas to be delivered to work - they were our wedding flowers (along with pink roses) and there's one for each year we've been married. For a 6ft 4in man, he's a big old softie!

So tonight we will popping a bottle of Champagne and drinking to the next 9 years... and way beyond... :-)

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