A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Topsy turvy learning journey

This was right up my metaphorical street!

Today there was more opportunity for engagement & interaction than there had been yesterday. This made it quite enjoyable and it was great being able to start thinking more actively about my PhD. Having submitted my initial proposal for application 5 months ago the topic was beginning to feel like a distant memory.

It was also great to spend time working with some of the other students and getting to know each other better. This will no doubt be invaluable as we begin to get really stuck into our work.

As ever, amidst all the new faces, it was lovely to see some more familiar ones, including bumping into one of my undergraduate lecturers in the toilets!

Meanwhile, adjusting to 9-5ish might take a while. Although I managed to get out for a run, do a couple of loads of laundry and pick up a few grocery bits from the kettle local Tesco so it's not all bad I suppose!

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