I have had to be creative to get this photo published. At our team meeting this morning this daft bird decided it wanted in on the action! It appeared on a low windowsill and kept pecking at the window and watching us watching it! It was the perfect blip but I am a believer in not taking my phone into meetings, yet so many put their work phones and their personal phones out on the table in front of them. Even this morning one of the presenters went out to take 2 calls! There was probably only one person in the room you should have had their phone on! (That's my rant for today!) So back to HeartFreek's challenge Creation - I got one of my colleagues to use his phone and then we wasted lunchtime trying to Bluetooth/ email it to me but we got there in the end. Then there weren't enough pixels for blip to let me upload the original. Therefore I have made my own creationby photographing the picture in the email! Is that creative or cheating? Actually, you really needed to be in the room to appreciate the antics of the bird!
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