Redflash Bonanza

This photo includes most of the things that I am known for - distorted reflections and London City Bollards - and of course you can see me on the right.

The Blip Fairy was watching over me today as I wasn't paying any attention when walking from Waterloo and my different route resulted in this blip.

Thank you Blip Fairy

My iPhone is much happier today after another very long chat with my service provider.

Lovely Mr F and I have been married for 30 years today - he deserves a medal for putting up with me but as he says he likes a challenge.

We celebrated by going to choir practice as we have missed the last two weeks. My good friend that died, was our Musical Director and another lovely lady has taken over the responsibility but as you can imagine tears were shed as we prepared the music for her funeral.

On a happy note, we will be collecting Milo's brother on Saturday and I am currently reading lots of books trying to get it right this time.

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