Well foggy!

Those who follow the Met Office reports will recognise that I'm using a proper weather term as the title of this blip. It was taken this morning and, I must admit, I wasn't wearing a great deal when I opened the door to grab the shot. These are the sacrifices I make for you dear blippers. As an aside; my late father-in-law always claimed - in all seriousness - that the weather forecasts on the BBC always offered better weather than those on commercial TV stations. I don't mean more accurate I mean warmer and sunnier and milder, etc. Where I live the BBC local weather forecast which follows the local news is generally given by an unbelievably thin young lady in a short skirt and infeasibly high heeled shoes. They seem to have an endless supply of such young ladies.

I think we're far enough into this week to say that we've got the beating of it. Take a bit of a rest tomorrow mes amigos, we don't want to be too tired when we hit the weekend!

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