Free from ...

By GinnyH

Battle of Hill 705

Out with Amanda today. This is the view from the top of Hill 705 which saw a protracted battle of the River Ebro between Republicans and Franco’s Nationalists in 1938. The Republicans held the top and could view the movements of the Nationalist troops below and direct their own forces to attack. They had a well to provide them with water which they thought was unknown to their enemy but which was discovered and fortunes changed. Rather than all die from dehydration they were led to believe that surrender was an option. They were allegedly all shot. A plaque giving the names of British, Irish and American volunteers to the Republican cause who died is depressingly long.

We then descended steeply (very, very steeply with many, many hairpin bends with precipices ... scary if you’re prepared to allow yourself to be scared. The Citroen Dyane’s brakes smelt very hot and Amanda said she had been planning to get the car serviced. Hey ho, I’ve had a good life!) to the river where the Virgin Mary appeared on a rock, a church was built, I expect money was made. Amazing scenery and rock pools with families swimming (it is hot 27degrees). The Via Verde cycle track passes through and there were many parents with young children and their bikes. Wonderful!

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