Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Free Stuff

Does anyone know what this yellow veg is? Our neighbours bought a bag full of them round tonight from their allotment but I don't have a clue what to do with it. They gave us some last week as well and we haven't used them yet so I don't want to ask them in case we look ungrateful for those ones, but the fridge is getting full of them!

Ma and Pa took pity on us after we lost our tomatoes last week to the terrible Stanton tomato blight of 2009 and brought us a few from their greenhouse and some runner beans. They've been over to visit today.

Also, I have 6lb of blackberries in the fridge that we picked on dog walks, (much to the dogs disgust as they didn't get our full attention for ball games). Going to make some jam tomorrow. So lots of free stuff for the Evilgoats. All feels very 'Good Life'.

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