Billboard Hits

By chicklet

The Runner

Three Degrees 1979

Have to resort to the emergency TV blip tonight as have just finished my (very productive) work day and have had no blippin' time to get anything else.

BUT, it's not actually quite so bad as I can spin a little something out of it....
I am a huge athletics fan and have been since I was about seven so I have been glued to as much of the World Champs as possible since the weekend but had to record it tonight so as to take part in Very Important Work Stuff.
I happen to know ( and am very proud of the fact!) that my boss looks in here from time to time, she is in California and they don't watch so much athletics yonder but I'm really interested to see if this superstar got enough home coverage in his heyday to be recognised, sooooo - Joanne, this one's for you - name this hero?!
Here are your hints:
- he's one of yours
- I once shook his hand in Paris
- he still holds a World Record
- he's not Carl Lewis

all the rest of you who know - shhhhh

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