feet well travelled

By feettravelled

Mr Whippy

My first day as an MSc student
And an interesting one it was.
There are certainly some characters on my course.
And we already have two assignments set due before the end of October.
It's going to be a fun year!

After that I had a the utter privilege of seeing my wonderful cousin and uncle from South Africa in Newcastle. Me and my brother went over for dinner and had a fab time catching up.
The Mr Whippy van drove past which provided a perfect dessert for all 13 of us. And a great night of business for him.

Today, I realised that distance is a mere hindrance to any relationship. My cousin Abby and her family, is one of my closest relatives emotionally yet is the furthest geographically. I'm so thankful for the ability to have travelled and made fab memories with them so that when I see them after months and year apart, it seems like no time at all and relationships aren't starting from scratch.

Thank you God for technology!

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