
By EmmySusanne

Fuzzy waters

DDW's September Challenge Day 25: "Bridge"

Sometimes the tide in this bit - leaving Finstown for home crossing a side arm of the Bay of Firth, is really strong, was hoping for it to be stronger today when I took my tripod & ND-filtered camera down there, but I got a bit of the effect I suppose.. Just learning!
What a day! After driving him to A&E today, it turns out that my other half has actually managed to fracture his fibula and also done extensive damage to ligaments, whilst falling over some rocks yesterday night. I'm thrilled :-/ On the bright side, I drove to Kirkwall today and to Finstown in the evening which went reasonably well considering I haven't been on a main road for more than 3 minutes for a very long time. The only minor drawback was my injured man sitting next to me knittering away. I shall learn to block it out. Maybe be able to drive on my own soon!!

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