
By Herbster


We had quite a rough night last night. Herbie woke at 12am and he was soooo hot, running quite a temperature. Stripped him down to his nappy, tried to give him calpol which he promptly brought back up!
Settled him with a feed around 2.30am!! Then thankfully he slept till 7am.
I felt so helpless and in the middle of the night when you are totally exhausted, he is crying, your both up trying to do what you think is best! It's just not the best situation to think straight. I think we over fussed him last night, yet we were just so worried about the poor little mite. X
Thought about a return journey to the docs this morning but I don't think they could do much.
I really needed to go to work, will had stuff to sort, so stuck with the plan and Herbie went over to his grans.
Slight improvement today and he rested well at grans with a couple of naps on the way there and back.

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