View From The Park

Indianapolis, Washington DC, Boston. It was a travel day, and after we settled into the hotel we had dinner and went for a walk in Boston Public Park. What a beautiful place. This blip is the view of our hotel from the park. The park is full of gorgeous old trees, lakes and what looked to be a couple hundred squirrels. There are some spectacular statues and landscaping. All in all, it's simply beautiful. If I lived here I'd spend a lot of time in this park.

After our walk in the park we had coffee and dessert back at the hotel. Get this: Rob had the Crème Brulee Trio which consisted of Tahitian vanilla bean, raspberry and milk chocolate brulees, I had Saffron and Orange Scented Mousse on an almond pistachio biscotti with mango gelee, candied rose petals and passion fruit crème. Whew! It was as complicated to eat as it was to say. I frankly wouldn't want to make a habit of eating like that, but it's fun once in a while.

Tomorrow we're off to do a quick bit of sightseeing before heading to the Harvard Museum of Natural History to see the glass flowers, the very reason I wanted to come to Boston. I think we could spend several weeks here and not begin to see all there is to see. We may just have to come back.

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