GM Tulip

By GMTulip

I have been inspired or am I just going mad...!

I read a blip entry the other day, from Dotty (link to follow, I'm on my phone) who truly inspired me. I went on to read her back blips, she's a pretty interesting blipper anyhoo so I subbed her but it was her recent blip that got me hooked. A SP taken at 7:30am every morning? Eeek brave woman I hear you cry, not many of us would do that with full war paint...not I for one!
I carried on reading. Not only was she doing her 7:30 blip she was doing another challenge, one called 'Sober for October'....give up alcohol FOR A WHOLE MONTH...I'd rather sell the dog! (sorry Ozzy)
I read on... I got ready for played on my mind... I kept thinking about it...would I, could I...nah I like my vino too much, my social life is in the pub, but it would be a good healthy challenge, its only a would shock people to the core...they'd never believe me, never mind believe I could do it...and so my inner conversation went all through my morning routine...until I snapped...or blipped more like. Well took a SP at least, granted with make up on but I was ready for work! I didn't have to post it but I had it there should I decide to do it...I then went back to Dottys page and followed the link to find out more about Sober for October... OH CRAP...forget the SP, the giving up alcohol the hardest thing I'd have to overcome would be working with Macmillan...I hate them, hate them with a passion! Don't get me wrong I've supported them, done more than my fair share... I've hosted coffee n cake sales since they started the coffee morning lark, supported them everywhere I've been asked, coz you never know when you're going to need their support right?
R...ONG! Needed it, offered it, accepted it, wasn't worth the bother.... as useful as a chocolate teapot! As you can probably guess I have a few unresolved issues with Macmillan, which is a shame because they are probably doing a good job somewhere, with someone who needs it!
Anyhoo...this played on my mind ALL DAY, I tried to look for the positive, maybe it was time to deal with this?
Both Mum & Dad's birthdays & anniversaries are in October, its going to be a difficult month as it is. Why not do something different, something healthy, it'll save having to dry out in November AND I might just make my peace with Macmillan?!

I still haven't completely made my mind up about it all, the SP's would scare blippers from all around the world, I've no desire to do any more fundraising for MM but I am serious about giving up alcohol for the month and I'll start 1st October and aim to make my peace with Macmillan by the end of it!

Thank you Dotty for the inspiration!

Edited to say I'm sorry to those who commented on this entry yesterday but I had to delete it and move it to this date as my phone posted it to Wednesday for some reason?

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