Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Get your hands off my mentos!

What a cheeky chap.

Been working on a proposal for critical project reviews all week and I get to present it to the leadership team this morning. Hopefully it will go down well. If it does, I then have just a few days to set up the first critical project review meeting, so the pressure is not off yet. Still, keeps me busy and distracted which right now is a good thing.

Returning to my exercise regime as of today after an enforced absence since Monday. Looking forward to kettlercise tonight. I'm told a 45 minute class burns off in the region of 700 calories. Not bad. What I do find strange is that there are very few men who go. They probably see it as too soft. Little do they know. One of the hardest classes I do even if we do have to go through a rather uncomfortable warm up routine that involves some aerobic movements to music. Takes all my concentration to keep only just out of time with everyone else :-)

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