Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman

Blank Sky. Like my mind

I rarely seem to blip these days.
A number of factors are contributing to an overall photographic ennui, and a specific Blip absence.
I find it hard to share photographs when I don't feel the photography is going anywhere. Odd in a way, because when I first joined Blip, it became in itself a reason and a drive to go out and take different photographs. To see things freshly. To share the things I was seeing, instead of them languishing forever unseen on my hard drive.
This was exciting and invigorating. I am quite certain it greatly improved my photography too. After all, actually taking a photograph is hardly difficult. Seeing it is the trick. And to see you have to first look.
What I have lacked over the past year is any of those 'wow' photographic occasions that fuel the fire, keep the embers alight through the drought periods. What I have gained, my daughter I would not swap for anything in the world. But it is not to say that there are not costs, insignificant as they are in comparison.
Perhaps the more sociable sunrise/set times of winter will allow me more freedom to just devote that bit of time I need, to get those shots, to feed the fire.
But for now, a blank sky. Blank like my creative mind.

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