Food + Fun.

We had an AMAZING day today!! We began the sessions properly today. I think day 1 session 1 has actually changed my life! Pete Greig was doing 2 sessions on prayer - adoration & petition... We're going to be working through his new course The Prayer Course, it's a 6 week course with a short video, a relevant bible study and a discussion questions, 24-7 Prayer have made it a free resource so I highly recommend it!!!
It's SUCH a privilege to be going through it with Pete.

Asha had her first full day at nursery - nearly 10 hours... I went to pick her up and she cried and cried...praying she'll get used to it...thank goodness it's not 5 days a week...

We had 3 of the 5 guys we're studying with over for dinner tonight. Lovely to just relax with them. The other 2 guys are living in Chichester, but we're hoping they'll stay over with us each monday night rather than drive to and fro so much! We only have 2 days teaching (mon & tues) and the rest of the week is either church projects, or for us, language learning, cross-cultural stuff, marriage enrichment, coffee/wine with 24-7 bigwigs etc etc.

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