Porty People and Places

I see no ships ... actually there were three in view to the north west and this gentleman was looking at them through his small binoculars. One was a dredger and the other two were bulk carriers at anchor.

It was a great day to be running on the beach this morning. The wind had dropped and the rain and mist of yesterday gone. I met another local hero on the sands today picking up the litter. He did not want to be photographed and had felt embarrassed about picking up other's litter. I encouraged him and as he is the second such public spirited person I have seen recently doing this I am hoping that this practice will become more and more common. We all have a responsibility to look after our world.

A new coffee vending van opened for business beside the swimming baths today. I am wondering how many of these outlets can be sustained along the promenade. The man with the green van was nervous too, as it was his first day. I really liked his green vintage Citroen van!

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