
By DonnaWanna

Quick Snap

I didnt get outside today except to quickly buy some lunch. I had it in mind that I would head out for a quick walk after work and take a few shots but an old friend arrived that we hadnt seen for about 15 years so that plan was shelved.

Later I went to the shopping centre for a couple of things and as I walked past the florist there were these gorgeous big flowers, I snapped until the lady gave me "the look" and then I casually walked off. Was that wrong? No, I dont think so, and this is so beautiful I had to share it :)

In other news Jake had a quiet day with lots of sleeping and some shaking before the medication times. He didnt eat a lot today, just a few little nibbles here and there. I'll be dropping back the dose of cortisone again tomorrow so we'll see how that goes over the weekend.

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