Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Porcelain Fungus or Mushroom. (Strobilurins)

Knowledge copied from here.

Oudemansiella mucida, the Porcelain Fungus, is specific to beech wood. It appears in autumn on dead trunks and on fallen branches, and occasionally it also grows on dead branches high up in living trees.

Common and widespread in Britain and Ireland, Oudemansiella mucida occurs throughout northern Europe, but in southern Europe where Beech is not found the Porcelain Fungus is also absent.

I have seen fallen Beech trees literally covered in Porcelain Fungus (also referred to as Porcelain Muchroom or as Beech Tuft), and few other fungi seem to get much of a nibble. This, it has been discovered, is because Oudemansiella mucida releases a powerful fungicide that deters or even anihilates competitors.

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