My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Very Green.

We have a strange little supermarket in our town. It is like a giant chiller cabinet, crossed with a Tesco store in Co Meath from the 1980's. It shut last week, for a refurb, as they call them now. We had a few days of no this and that, it was missed, a little. It reopened today. The balloons were the most dramatic change, and the coats of paint in a shade of green I imagine Farrow & Ball would call Grasshopper Crack Head. There are even more chiller cabinets. I feel deeply sorry for the staff, who are in fleeces 30/12. I hope it all goes well for them. I have a valued friend who works there, but in my heart of hearts, I wish Waitrose or Sainsburys would ride into town, and warm us up.

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