
By middaypyjamas

My Mum

Today we celebrated my Mum's birthday (it was actually on Wednesday). She is a beautiful woman, as most Mum's are, but she's my Mum so I think she's particularly beautiful. It was a lovely night shared with my family who I love very much and always enjoy spending time with. We all ate to much, as is traditional, and had a delicious dinner at Vietnamese place on Victoria Street just a short walk from Mum and Dads.

The earlier part of the day was spent mostly in relaxation. As I work weekends, then spend the weekdays working on my own projects I sometimes feel like I'm always doing something. Don't get me wrong working on the projects I love is great, the best, but during the week I feel compelled to always be busy since I have moved to part time work and I don't feel I should waste the free time it brings. This self discipline can get pretty tiring, especially since I don't have 'work hours' and I try to push myself from morning to night. To counter this I have Friday as my weekend. It's my rest day where I mentally free myself from the responsibilities I put on me. It may sound silly but it works, and it motivates me to work harder for the rest of the week as I know I get the reward of my rest day.

Anyway, as there is now 17 minutes left in this day I better say goodnight...

...and Happy Birthday Mum :)


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