
By CharlotteJ


For Heart Freeks September Challenge – Special

Sshhhh, don’t tell him but… he is very, very special to me!!

He leaves his socks behind the bathroom door, he forgets where he puts things, he’s stubborn, he fidgets and snores, he thinks fairies clean the house, he frustrates me

He’s my rock, he makes me laugh, he drives me insane, he supports me, he spoils me, he does the horrible jobs like putting the bins out, he’s my pillow, he makes a mean chicken teriyaki, his home made profiteroles have no calories (!), he’s caring, he tells me how it is, he tells me every day he loves me, he works incredibly hard.

He is also my emergency blip (he came home to work not get blipped!!). I’m up against it with work today, I will be back with comments soon, sorry, tons to get through, next week I hope will be better. Both of us working from home…..I have an office, Chris gets the kitchen table! Wonder if he will put the kettle on……


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