See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani

What the eye doesn't see

This cheeky collared dove decided to take a risk while Ed was busy cleaning himself. It sneaked out of the bushes and grabbed a couple of beak-fulls of seeds from the ground. It needn't have worried because shortly after I took this Ed spotted the bird, glared at it for being so cheeky and then carried on with his grooming - he doesn't like big birds, I've never seen him go for anything larger than chaffinch size but he's not very impressed when they take liberties :-))

I managed to get out to photo group (yay), it was so nice to go out for a change and wonderful to be able to drive there. I'm a bit sore and achy now but I'm hoping it will very soon pass and I can start trying to do a bit more again. It was worth all the effort as my 'dusk' photo ( portrait version) was voted into second place out of thirteen and people were very complimentary about it and it was lovely to see all the members again :-)))

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