Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


Another beautiful day here in Norwich: clear sky and warm sunshine, though the temp was a lot lower first thing. So time for a treat : car to swimming, instead of my usual cycle, then on to food shopping at Waitrose ( something I do rarely now I have a minimal income ), but first an amble along the beautiful river Yare, that slowly makes it way to Yarmouth. I'd watched swans mating and nest building back in the Spring on this stretch of river, but havn't seen them since. 3 adult Swans were ambling along, maintaining a constant chat with each other. I did get all 3 with heads down but this, I think is better.
Returning home I roasted a bargain chicken and gave some to Sir Chavo, who'd been wailing 'food', since I got home. I promise, he refused to eat it!!,Animals eh!

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