View From The Study

By StudyView

Sound Clash

OK, this was a bit of a daft purchase, and it arrived today. Maybe I should have done an unboxing video on You Tube....

I own all the music already, some on multiple formats, and I did doubt whether I would be able to notice the remastering. And then I put on Magnificent Seven, and I heard whole new things. Not all the tracks are as stunningly different as that, but they all have a new clarity and ambience so far (nearly through the first two sides of Sandanista).

The rest of the box set is pretty, some of it is artistic, and some interesting. Was it worth £90? I suspect I'll get more plays out of it in the next 40 years than almost anything else I buy this year, so probably yes.

Off to see Filth later on; looking forward to it.

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