Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Rainbow at Loch Shiel

After an epic 10 hour journey (we did stop quite a few times due to forgotten items!) we finally made it to the hotel in Glenfinnan where we launched 'Pegasaurus' for the first time. It was getting on in the day by the time we had wrestled Pegs into her doggy life jacket so we hastily did the naming ceremony for the boat with a bottle of bubbly and set off up the Loch. Unfortunately the wind was against us and we made slow progress. Being very inexperienced paddlers and still a bit nervous about the home made boat and the fact that there was a very large black cloud looming on the horizon we decided not to push it on our first day and to head ashore after an hours paddling. We found a small beach and just managed to get the tent up before the storm came in! Mike was a bit disappointed he still had mobile reception (due to the big mast on the hill near the hotel), but there wasn't another soul in site and what with the weather it felt plenty wild enough for my first wild camping experience!! Other pics from the trip here.

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