My Watch Dog

Charmaine bought this cutie for my office when I still went in to school for work every day, she said he must watch over me when I'm alone in my office, and keep me safe! Hehe! When I started working from home last year, she fetched it from my office at school and now it's guarding over me in my home office!

It seems to have done a good job, by the way!! I saw my oncologist on Wednesday for my 6 month check-up, had all sorts of blood tests done, and got a 'clean Bill of Health' from the doctor today! Charmaine says I am a 'Real Survivor' now! ;-)

Thank you all my dear blip friends, I will never forget the support I got from all of you the past year, and my family were absolutely remarkable, I will never really know how to show my gratitude for what they've done for me! God bless all of you!!



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