
What a scorcher! It was far too hot to work today, but I persevered. The BT engineer cut off our broadband, but did sort out our ring-trip phone problem. That left me with a frustrating day trying to download and upload massive files on my mobile internet connection. There was a lot of counting to 10. I'm pleased to say that Fred managed to rewire everything so the broadband is now working again. Phew! What would I do without him? Throw a tantrum, probably.

Whilst counting to 10, I went out to water the 50 tomato plants (one tomato now showing and lots more of the plants have flowers). I also moved the guinea pig run so they were in shade - the poor things were flat out with the heat. I had to water them, too!

In the evening, I headed up to Camden Town to meet Fred, Jason and Jenny on Inverness Street. After a very welcome Kirin beer, we walked up Camden to Stables Market and up the tall, skinny escalator into the carved, wooden interior of Gilgamesh to celebrate Jason's birthday. We had so much fun! The restaurant itself is a feast for the eyes - replica carvings of Assyrian statues and friezes, great lighting, and the trains passed by at eye level, which doesn't sound great, but it really added to the atmosphere whenever one clickety-clacked by. We had champagne cocktails, coconut rice wrapped in rice paper and caramel sauce, red Thai curry, and a whole selection of desserts. Fantastic company, too, and we felt honoured to share Jason's birthday with him - he and Jenny having come up from Brighton for the day. It's always great to see them.

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