Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

The Play Stop

We went to The Play Stop today. Soft play and loads of toys. Ran by a couple of mothers who realised there is no clean, nice soft play in Dunfermline.

I have loads of pictures from today. Matty playing with the kitchen, the keyboard, the cars, the scuttlebugs, ride on things, space hopper, in the ball pool, and on the bouncy castle (he LOVED that!) but instead you have a photo from when I was showing Leah where Matt's head is on his car seat.

Look at him. Awwwww. My baaaaaaby. Even though he decided to stay up an hour and a half last night, then wake again at 2 and then take forever to sleep for his morning nap, he is lovely. That face. All forgiven. I'm a sucker.

Managed to squeeze in a quick visit to Nanny & Grandpa at lunch too. Child got peas all over the floor. Never trust a child with a plate.....lesson learned the hard way.

oh, top right canine is trying to cut. Explains the difficulty getting to sleep I suppose. Teeth. Evil things.

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