History is interesting!!

More interesting now than it was when I was at school!! Say no more!!

Early rise for me this morning to be ready for D’s arrival, but she didn’t arrive until lunchtime as the dog carer forgot to pick up the “mut” yesterday. He was collected this morning, so D was late in starting out. I was worried that she got in to trouble, had detoured via the M25 or something else! The navigation unit in her car produces some odd routes!!

This evening we attended the first “Words in Walden” session with Sinclair McKay talking about The Lost World of Bletchley Park, his new book. Added interest was an elderly lady in the audience who had worked at Bletchley Park, not as a decoder but on the construction of Colossus!

Several members of the audience had visited the museum and highly recommended it. So it is now on our “to do list”.

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