Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Just a Friday

I did more grading of Quiz #1 today and now I have completed the grading of those so that I can return them to students this coming week.

Later in the day I cleaned-out the shelf above my hanging clothes in my walk-in closet. I have too many shoes and several that I purchased some time ago, but never found them to be comfortable and almost never wore them. So they are like new. I need to get rid of them and make more space in my closet. I belong to a FaceBook community that announces items that are for sale, so I think I may try that first before just giving them away.

Late in the afternoon, it was time to make a quick trip to the Post Office to mail an envelope and then to the grocery store – ugh! – to get some necessary groceries. When I was a young bride, creating a weekly menu, making a thorough shopping list, and doing the grocery shopping was fun; those days are long gone. So $156.00 later, I was pulling into the garage with a trunk-load of groceries and supplies.

And that’s my day. Oh yeah, I forgot to take a photo, so I was just doing a little capturing of the backyard; the photo is a bit too dark.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. This is the entry that our friend, Randy, posted on his wife's FaceBook memorial page this morning:

"There is an urn in our entry way cabinets. In it sits the ashes of my beloved. Proving to me that we are truly only a shell for our soul and hers is in Heaven. Sandee saw the urn and said, 'Great, now all mom is is a decoration,' and I said, 'No, she is what she always loved, she is a knick knack for now.' In time she will be part of her roses and rest till I join her, and we join Christ at our favoirte spot in the High Sierras. God, I so miss her."

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