One Day

By oneday

Dublin Dr. Pepper

Dublin, Texas that is.

After our nephew's graduation from Baylor University in Waco last Saturday, he took us by the Dr. Pepper Museum. Dr. Pepper was invented in Waco back in the 1880's. In the 1970s and 80s, just about every soft drink maker stopped using sugar and switched to High Fructose Corn Syrup to save money. But the owner of the Dr. Pepper bottler in Dublin, TX (a short drive from Waco) refused to switch and kept making Dr. Pepper using cane sugar. Since then, this recipe (which is the original and supposedly tastes sweeter) has become known as Dublin Dr. Pepper. My daughter bought several bottles while we were in Waco, and obviously has finished at least one.

Oh yeah, I should probably mention....I can't stand Dr. Pepper.

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