Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Straddling a Ton

Okay - this is actually very much not a ton of bamboo flooring. There are boxes scattered in almost every room of our condo however ... 2 palettes of flooring boxes ;__; 2004 lbs .... and we managed to get it all up to our third floor condo (after much sweating, swearing, a few bruises, and Mr. Badger hurt his back). Phew! Now to put it all down ... We had plans of starting on Sunday, but the wood needs to acclimate to its new home for about 5-6 days. We're pretty busy every weekend for the next good chunk of time, so we shall see when we get started. Mr. Badger is chomping at the bit! I personally loathe our carpets and can't wait either, but we'll get there! I wonder how the dogs will react when they start slipping and sliding everywhere without the traction of the carpet. That should prove to be amusing ;)

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