Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Old bank building in Glasgow's East end

This building is in Parkhead which, as many of you know, is not the wealthiest of areas. Glasgow has amazing architectural gems to be found in the most surprising places sometimes. This image doesn't quite do the building justice. I may go back some time and see if I can get a better image.

Do you ever stick your head in the sand about stuff and put off doing important things? I do. Then what happens is the slightly stressful gets bigger and bigger. Well today I got the finger out and sorted some practicalities and so am very pleased with myself.

This was a close second for my blip today. I live in a tenement close and the ground floor flats have this tiny garden bit at the front that was just paving slabs until a new neighbour moved there in the spring. His dad took up some of the slabs and planted shrubs and all of these gorgeous window boxes. It is a lovely, cheery sight.

The sun is out in Glasgow for a change and the lovely man will arrive this evening. We will have a whole week together! Life is good!

Have a great weekend when it comes.

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