
A difficult blip day. We went to the pick your own to get plums. There were loads of beautiful pictures I could have taken - I did not have a camera of any type with me. After we came home, I took some pictures of the big bowl of plums. I didnt really like them at all but decided it would do.

Then the computer conked out on me twice while trying to do my blip write up. I took the hint and took more photos, meaning I got this lovely one of Daisy. She really loves having her photo taken.

I made root vegetable gratin as made on Simon Mayo's show on Thursday night with roast chicken for tea. I loved it. Somewhat predictably, no one else did. Philistines I live with, I tell you.

Tomorrow we are off clothes shopping to get Daisy an outfit (aka new jeans and a top) to wear to Gloria and Jack's wedding in a couple of weeks. Given Daisy refuses to try clothes on and I refuse to buy clothes she hasn't tried on, please think of us tomorrow!

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