Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn


Up bright and early full of good intentions. Misty start to the day but went to catch some spider web action as the mist burned off. A bit too late for the web but you can still see some water droplets as the spider was dispatching a greenfly.

After a busy week at work, I hadn't left enough time to renew my car tax online, so I headed into Stirling with my documents. Or so I thought!
No insurance certificate, lots of other bumph from them but not what I needed. Nice guy in the post office suggested they often send it out separately, why dont i try downloading and printing it off? A bit of a problem as my printer is out of ink and I have been procrastinating about replacing it.
So I headed home determined to find the certificate and return immediately. Fours hours later, house trashed, swearing sweating, wasted a beautiful late summer day I decided to download it onto my iPad and take that to the PO. Bleeping thing wouldn't download, just the link.
Then it saw it. The summary of the documents sent out to me.

Welcome pack - posted.
Certificate of Motor Insurance - ONLINE!!!!

Whatever possessed me????

Neighbours out on their motorbike enjoying the day like normal people - unlike this demented nutter, so couldn't print it off in time.

May ask Annie if I can print it at her house tomorrow, otherwise it will be 06.15 bus to the station on Monday morning.
So house still trashed, no nice dinner cooked, tinned tuna pasta and wine among the devastation. Another rock and roll Saturday night on the Good Intent!!!

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