''Mornin ''

Woke up this morning at 6-45 and saw the sky was flushed with salmon fuchsia pink. Having gone to bed at 2-00, was reluctant to leave the duvet's warmth.
But such is the tyranny of blip , I felt the need to get out of bed and blip it!
My sycamore tree was in the way!!
So ,on went my bathrobe and in high dudgeon ,trudged downsairs and out into the garden.
The trees in the field were in the way!!
Its at this point a wise man would have simply gone back to bed!
But ,I am not a wise man!!
And decided the place to be was over the road and up in the field.
So I set off....barefoot and peely -wally legs like beacons in the half light below the bathrobe.
Over the road and up the field, and got my blip!
The wet grass was strangely luxurious on my feet;quite enjoyed it. But the stones in my driveway were a different matter!
I had banked on it being quiet in the early hour ; but ,of course, Sods Law brought a man and his dog walking up the lane just as I climbed over the field gate.......at times like this explanations seem to just disappear and your tongue goes on strike!
But he simply said ""mornin' "" and carried on!!
Went back inside and looked up dementia on Google!!

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