Outdoor gym
The Rooster accompanied me over to Dunfermline today to help the SNP campaign in the Dunfermline by-election. I persuaded him to come with me as I feared for his safety...I think Mr R was reaching the limits of his Rooster tolerance level;-)
There is a big pile of campaign newspapers to be delivered so he was as well helping me with that.
Bit of a misty drive across to Fife but it soon brightened up and it was a grand day for a wee spot of leafleting. Found a park just at the end of our leaflet run so that was a wee bonus for him. That and the can of coke and chocolate bar he received at the end.
I do like this out door exercise equipment...wish we would get some in the parks in Stirling. A lot of places in Ireland have it where is where we first came across it.
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