Upside down Speckled Wood

Several shots stood out when was sorting the photos that I'd taken at the park this afternoon. After I'd narrowed down the choice to only two of them, I was in two minds to blip either this Specked Wood butterfly or a Flesh Fly. I'm still having some doubts whether I've made the right choice.

Today was exhausting! I spent the first part of the day running several errands at the town centre, then went home to change into clothes that were more suited for dog walking, got on my bicycle to ride to the sanctuary and had another good walk with Alfred. After the walk I went back to some ivy that was buzzing with the activity of insects feeding on its flowers and managed to take some photos that I was quite pleased with. I couldn't go home yet after that though as I still had some shopping to do on the way back. I'm sure I don't have to say how good it felt to finally be able to put my feet up when I was home again.

Thank you so much for all the kind comments and stars on yesterday's Autumn Leaves blip.

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