The story so far...


Sunbathing in dark skies

Ollie is turning yellow! Only slightly but lots of feeding and time in the sun to break down the excess bilirubin are required so he has been chilling in his chair by the window for most of the day.
Mummy was hit by the baby blues today and has been a real moody b****. Poor daddy :-(
Cam however has been the true dark cloud hanging over the house. He has been constantly changing from his funny, charming self to the devil reincarnated all day long. He smacked daddy extremely hard in the face earlier and the temper tantrum that followed included banging his head on the wall repeatedly and near foaming at the mouth from anger.
We knew bring Ollie home would unsettle him but didn't expect this. He has also lashed out at Ollie but never in anger, usually being hyperactive but it is still not acceptable. We have challenging times ahead I think :-(

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