a new year!

By Thesalh70

..it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life

Blip I've not forgotten you!!

I've had a manic last week at work, as you can imagine. The week flew by and here we are on my last day.

Started off perfectly with a gorgeous sunrise first thing....the sign of a new start!

My last bus journey into work was long and with issues (sat whilst a skip was being loaded for 10 mins on Eastwood Road!)

Finally in and I met Rachel at macdonalds to pick up breakfast for the team. Still seems weird thinking its my last day.

Business as usual in the morning and my to do list and inbox are getting shorter.

Off to the pub at lunch with the team, and joined by mrs silver, mrs Hammond and mr Bingham! A double lunch hour but then back for the final afternoon.

Jobs done and then it's time for a team goodbye which was very entertaining!

Finished at 5, and off to fat cats joined by everyone. LI came in too as did lots of others, Claire, Lorraine and Jason. White wine doesn't suit me and I felt suitably tipsy as we left fat cats for a curry.

Picked up my bags en route to 4550 miles. One last sit at my desk, one last glance up the office. The best team ever!!

Off for curry and more drinks...impromptu karaoke with Kaz and Lynn in the curry house!

In by 1am thanks to chauffeur kirk....what a day!

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