
By AlrightFlower

Oh dear, I've been typing this for a full 24 hours now! FRIDAY Phew, what a day at work! If anyone finds a cheap and easy way of cloning oneself, please do let me know as I've needed to be in 4 places at once today! But this evening I get to lounge around in a hotel room woo hoo! I was to have a night out with J, a work colleague, she's unfortunately been off sick all week. The hotel was non refundable, so last night I packed a bag with the usual bumph and also lots of Liz Earle goodies - I've got masks for face, hair, hands, feet, you name it. And 2 small bottles of red wine and some sweeties. Marvellous! And this is my view :-) SATURDAY Great night last night, pampered to high heaven, Strictly on the telly and dancing round to a bit of music :-) Tootled off this morning towards town, treating myself to a pumpkin latte in Starbucks on the way. Quick call into Liz Earle - well I need to stock up again - then back to the car. Quiet day at home then, after cleaning up the poo that Charlie had trailed around the lounge... Still at least it wasn't all over the kitchen like last time! x

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