Little Green Men
The valves next to the (empty) reservoir have always appealed to me, probably because of their unusual color. They look a bit like little green men waiting for something to happen. They are tethered to the ground by a series of big pipes (also sea green), and their faces are blank. Perhaps they come to life when the Mothership arrives to liberate them....
While OilMan threw sticks in the swimming hole for Ozzie, and Will entertained Rudy (who doesn't like water and, given his build, who can blame him) I played around with OilMan's camera, attempting to figure out how it works, and how to get a shot through the chain link fence without focusing on the links. The results were mixed but I'm going with the picture anyway.
I dawdled along the road, back, trying, with the camera on "sports", to get a shot of the bicyclists in lycra whizzing by on the road, and the dirt bikers in shorts and t-shirts toiling up the trail into the state park. Not a success. The only car that came by was OilMan and Will who got tired of waiting for me in the car. The burden of a non-Blipper can be hard to bear sometimes.
I have finally recovered from a mysterious ailment which began with a pesky splinter in my thumb about six weeks ago (a story for another time, or, perhaps never) and am thinking that If I were forty years younger I would study (in more depth than most Western medical doctors seem inclined to do) the mind/body connection associated with illness. Fits right in with my interest in both Anthropology and medicine, and perhaps a book I am reading about mountain climbers, who manage to keep going under dreadful conditions with dreadful injuries no matter how dire things look.
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