Not My Stranger Photo...

I was so lucky to receive one of the Blipfoto black and white cameras in the mail yesterday. My plan was to go to the Bellingham Farmer's Market today and find a stranger to photograph. The weather had other ideas. It poured, howled with wind and generally did not invite Arvin, Helena and me to come to the outdoor market today. We all looked out and nixed the idea. So I left the camera at home when we did go shopping at Haggen's for the week's provisions. Well what should happen, but I meet this lovely young mother and her kid all dressed up as pumpkins. They were about to attend the pumpkin carving event that the market was putting on today. I asked if I could take their picture and then remembered I'd left the black and white camera at home. But thinking about it, maybe it is just as well, as this portrait is so much better in color. And I was supposed to take a picture of one adult and here we have a mother and child. So never mind. I'll catch a stranger another time. Think I'll pop that camera in my purse for the next opportunity that crops up. Meanwhile I gave my card to this young mother and promised to email her a copy of this picture if she sends me an email. :) I like to do that when I take somebody's photograph. Sometimes they respond and sometimes they don't. That smiling gal in the back is Chris, our favorite barista at the Starbucks counter at Haggens.

The shopping was huge and we forgot our bags so we had to buy some paper bags for all the stuff we bought. In Bellingham you have to pay for bags. We usually have bundles of reusable bags with us but I took them out of the car yesterday because we were four and it was easiest to just jettison them. But today I forgot to put them back in the car. Ah well. They are there now.

We spent a quiet afternoon at home after we put away the groceries, playing Mexican Train. I won (I must admit I often do); Helena came in second; Arvin was third. Then I cooked steamed veggies and salmon for dinner. Yum.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

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