Any Ideas?
I was trying to get some pictures of a leaf today, but Billy wanted to play...then when I turned to him he didn't want to play....
Anyway, then my attention was caught to this creature and a very excited TB kept taking shots (most of which were not that brilliant). At first I thought it might be a damsel but I gather damsel's have 4 wings! Any ideas blippers? (I've changed the image because later when it was still flying around, I got a much clearer shot ~ he's still webbing up the chrysalis and the object inside is still going up and down (rather creepy to me, but that's nature) :)
Two more shot in flickr here and here...
In the meantime I noticed also that something was bobbing up and down inside a few leaves sewn together. My neighbour came out and I explained to her and wondered if she knew. She said it must be a chrysalis, and used a stick to slightly take the leaves a quick shot of that is here!
The whole experience has made my day, because I'm feeling exhausted and in quite a bit of pain in my back and (my bad) leg after overdoing it in the garden yesterday....
One excited Things Beautiful....please can anyone identify this?
Update Apparently it is most likely a Pimpla instigator also known as a Black slip Wasp (thanks to gen2 for his identification :)
I managed to make my first ever fish pies last night :) The only thing I found was that I think (not being used to it) I didn't mash the mashed potatoes enough, other than that it was lovely!
Today, I am mainly relaxing and chilling out as my busy week at work is this week ... May or may not get the bulbs I bought yesterday into the pots and I have to get some washing done, but apart from that I can chill out :)
Downton Abbey tonight, yay :)
Happy Sunday folks :)
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