
My neighbour's cat was conducting its toilette on the garden table but by the time I grabbed the camera it has shifted to the path. It was a very thorough grooming and although I was given a brief glance when I opened the door I was then ignored.

I'd love to tell you that I've had an exciting Sunday full of adventures but I've been very selfish. Rather than going out and doing stuff on your behalf I've stayed at home and done a pile of ironing and a couple of batches of washing. I know it's not what you want to hear but that's just how I roll. I also made a nice chicken casserole which was very scrummy with couscous and I've just finished the last of the blueberries and strawberries with a bit of the Ben & Jerry's that I'm currently addicted to.

So we've nearly got this weekend out of the way so that we can get on with lots of lovely work! Forza!

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