And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Hey guys, hope your all ok :) all good here, been a busy day & it was a late night
too. Me and Ash met Jan & Winnie at 930 thats late for us then we did a 2hr walk. Came home to grab my bag then picked mum up and dropped her off home and had a quick brew with her. We then went to Morrisons and bought far too many pastry products... Then it was a quick dash home put the shopping away and got picked up by Jan at 130 to help her clip Winnie. What a job that was, I had a black top on that soon turned a nice furry white.... she liked the getting dried bit tho. Me and Jan then went on the seafront for an ice cream at the harbor bar omg it was good :P

Arrived home at 430 then Dad and Dan came for tea we had steak and ale pies with chips and peas, it was nice, this was followed by trifle as its dads favorite. Im now chilling and feeling rather stiff I think the past 4 days have caught up with me, If you have time check out my back blips for thurs -fri in the lakes.

love c x x x

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