Chocolate Mousse with Strawberries

Tomorrow is Jurie's birthday and guess what!!? He is right here, in Harties, to celebrate with us! We had a great 'family gathering', we were 32 people, at a lovely venue in the gardens of a local plant nursery where we were served an exquisite 3 course meal this afternoon. Thank you Ansa and Jurie, we really enjoyed it!

There was a great variety for desert, mini pavlova, rice krispie squares, brandy balls, fudge and chocolate mousse with strawberries. I forgot to take my camera, can you believe it? So I had to snap the strawberries at home!

M&Z phoned on 'viber' tonight, to brighten up the day even more! Thanks for the call my darlings, it was great to hear your voices! LuvU!

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